
Helping the community become more technology oriented and environmentally conscious.
Helping the community become more technology oriented and environmentally conscious.

Environmental Responsibility

Logicom Public Ltd is committed to protecting the environment and the well-being of the communities in which it operates. For this reason, it has developed and maintains an Environmental Management System (EMS) conforming to the requirements of ISO 14001. Logicom’s EMS is certified by an Accredited Certification Body.

The scope of the EMS is “Trading, technical services and support of Information Technology systems and related components. Trading, technical services and support of electronic systems. Provision and support of Cloud services and products.” Logicom’s EMS focuses on reducing the adverse environmental impacts in all of these areas.

Sustainability in Action

Logicom’s EMS focuses on reducing the adverse environmental impacts of its operations by choosing products which are environmentally friendly, delivering products through well-planned routing of vehicles and proper handling of waste materials.

The above system provides the framework for:

  • Monitoring and continuously improving the environmental performance of the company
  • Monitoring, addressing and conforming to relevant environmental legislation and any other stakeholder and market requirements
  • Setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets
  • Implementing objectives and targets through environmental implementation programmes to reduce adverse environmental impacts, pollution and waste disposal from the company's operation and by-products
  • Focusing on the continuous awareness and participation of employees

Ensuring Proper E-Waste Disposal

Logicom participates in collective schemes for the management of electrical and electronic waste.

The purpose of this system is to collect waste for recycling and reuse. In order to comply with our environmental policy, this waste should not be disposed of as common municipal solid waste.

Instead it should be segregated and disposed of at dedicated collection points

Promoting Paper Efficiency

Logicom implements the efficient use of paper in all its offices in order to minimise waste.

Additionally, paper and packaging waste is collected and forwarded to relevant, approved organizations for proper handling and/or recycling.

Empowering Recycling

Logicom encourages the proper collection and recycling of battery waste by approved organizations.

Special battery recycle bins have been installed in all our offices and all employees are encouraged to bring their own personal scrap batteries for recycling.

Environmental Certificates for Download

Logicom Public - ISO 14001:2015
Logicom Solutions - ISO 14001:2015