Board Committees & Officers

Senior Independent Director

The Board of Directors must appoint one of the Independent Non-Executive Directors to be the Senior Independent Director. The Senior Independent Director will be available to listen to any of the concerns of the shareholders that have not been resolved through normal communication channels.

George Papaioannou (Non-Executive, Independent Director)

Audit Committee

The Board of Directors must set up an Audit Committee comprising of at least two Non-Executive Directors, with written terms of reference, which must expressly set out their powers and duties. The members of the Committee, the majority of whom should be Independent Non-Executive Directors, must be stated in the Annual Report. The Chairman or any other Member of the said Committee must have experience in Accounting or Audit. The Committee must meet at regular intervals, at least four times a year.

Andreas Constantinides (Non-Executive, Independent Director), Chairman

George Papaioannou (Non-Executive, Independent Director), Member

Neoclis Nicolaou (Non-Executive, Independent Director), Member

Nomination Committee

A Nomination Committee must be established to present its views to the Board of Directors on recommendations for the appointment of new Directors. The majority of the Members of this Committee must be Non-Executive Directors and its Chairman may be either the Chairman of the Board of Directors (in case he/she is Non-Executive) or a Non-Executive Director. The Chairman and the Members of the Nomination Committee must be stated in the Annual Report.

Varnavas Irinarchos (Executive Director), Member

George Papaioannou (Non-Executive, Independent Director), Member

Christoforos Hadjikyprianou (Non-Executive, Independent Director), Member

Risk Management Committee

The risk management systems are supervised by a separate Risk Management Committee comprising of Non-Executive Directors. The Risk Management Committee must meet at least once every quarter and its Chairman must report to the Board of Directors.  All companies whose securities are listed in the Main Market are required to set up a Risk Management Committee.

Neoclis Nicolaou (Non-Executive, Independent Director), Chairman

Christoforos Hadjikyprianou (Non-Executive, Independent Director), Member

Remuneration Committee

The remuneration committee has the overall responsibility to control and determine the remuneration of the Company’s executive officers and to review annually the remuneration and benefits of the Board of Directors.

Christoforos Hadjikyprianou (Non-Executive, Independent Director), Member

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee is composed of Executive and Non-Executive Directors. The Committee is mainly responsible for the formulation of the Group's CSR strategy and the definition of its primary goals, and meets in regular intervals.

George Papaioannou (Non-Executive, Independent Director), Chairman

Anthoulis Papachristoforou (Executive Director), Member

Andreas Constantinides (Non-Executive, Independent Director), Member

Adamos Christodoulou (Director of Group Sales, Marketing & Services), Member

Corporate Governance Code Compliance Officer

The Board of Directors must appoint a competent executive as a Corporate Governance Code Compliance Officer.

Demos Anastassiou (Director of Group Strategy,  Planning, & Development)

Investor Liaison Officer

The Board of Directors must appoint a management executive or officer of the Company as Investor Liaison Officer. All information pertaining to the Company must be distributed fairly, in a timely manner free of charge to all shareholders.

Demos Anastassiou (Director of Group Strategy, Planning & Development)